

在去黄石国家公园的路上, 不要错过Killpecker沙丘, 世界上最大的活动沙丘之一. 美丽的沙丘高达100英尺, Killpecker Sand Dunes is like a giant sandbox for the whole family to play in.

仅32英里 岩石弹簧, Killpecker Sand Dunes are free and one of Southwest Wyoming’s best-kept secrets. Lose the crowds of the big national parks and enjoy a day of fun in the sand. 这是你需要知道的一切 滑雪橇和滑板 沿着这些美丽的沙丘.


There are two great ways to sled or surf Killpecker’s legendary sand dunes. 一种方法是滑下来,在沙滩上滑行. 沙橇看起来和雪橇很像, but it’s flat and wooden and resembles those wooden spoons used by ice cream shops to serve ice cream samples. 它有两个把手供你抓住. Sandboards are also wooden and look similar to snowboards but are much lighter. There are two footholds to slip your feet into before you cruise down the dunes.


在Killpecker沙丘上冲浪或玩沙板变得容易多了. If you don’t own your own sandboard or sand sled, you can buy your own at the 探索岩泉 & 绿河游客中心 在石泉,麋鹿街1641号. 你也可以选择租一个冲浪板. 可以在Rockin Rollin rental租赁沙板 & 销售(307)269-7580. 一旦你购买或租用, load them in the car and point your wheels toward the sand dunes for a day in the sand.


Sledding at Killpecker Sand Dunes is just sledding down a snowy hill but without cold snow blowing into your face as you go down. 在你的董事会中占有一席之地, you’ll want to sit down on the board with your knees bent and your feet resting at the end of the board. Next, lean slightly back to keep the weight off the front of your board. 然后 push off from the top of the dune, put your hands in the hand holds and coast down the dunes.

沙板运动将沙丘上的冒险提升了一个档次. 虽然这看起来比坐在雪橇上更有技术含量, 这是体验沙丘的一种非常有趣的方式. 毕竟,能发生的最坏的事是什么? If you lose your balance, you’ll fall in a pile of soft, forgiving sand. Snowboarders will take to it immediately since it is so similar to snowboarding, 但即使你没有单板滑雪, 沙板很容易学. Just like a snowboard, you’ll put your feet in the two footholds on your board. 然后, 把你的冲浪板指向沙丘, bending your knees and relaxing into a slightly crouched position with your head up.



夏天 is a great time to visit Killpecker Sand Dunes because it’s so comfortable to explore everything there is to do in this 55-mile-long sandy oasis. 在夏天, the best time to go to the sand dunes is early morning before the sand heats up and before afternoon thunderstorms roll in. Be sure to have your shoes with you at all times as you explore the dunes. 虽然可能会觉得携带它们很麻烦, 尤其是当你到达时,沙子感觉很凉爽, the sand heats up surprisingly fast and can really burn your feet or your pets’ paws. Making it back to the car can get dangerously hot for the bottoms of your feet. Stuff your shoes in your backpack, so you have them when you need them.


While the sands stay cool in spring, springtime features two different natural hazards—snow and wind. 向 土地管理局 office in 岩石弹簧 regarding road conditions if you arrive when the area is still experiencing snowfall. 除了, 怀俄明州以春天的风而闻名, 所以如果你在这个季节来, 要知道,风会带来不愉快的经历.

然而, 如果你在平静的情况下参观, 春天是寻找野生动物和它们的宝宝的好时候, 包括麋鹿和野马. A sight to see is pronghorn antelope who are just starting their trek in April and May to the area around Grand Teton National Park where they spend their summers.


Early fall is a great time to visit the dunes because temperatures are lower than summer and thunderstorms are not common. 除了 to a ton of other wildlife, you may catch sight of pronghorn antelopes. Pronghorn antelopes migrate to and from this area and Grand Teton National Park every year to winter here. They typically arrive in October or November, completing a 170-330 mile migration. It’s the second-longest wildlife migration in North America, with caribou taking first place.


冬天不适合游览沙丘. Freezing snowstorms and a lack of road maintenance combine to make a winter trek doable for only the most experienced and prepared outdoors people. 调用 土地管理局 in 岩石弹簧 ahead of time to find out what roads are drivable and if you need chains for your vehicle. Because there is no cell service or services, getting stuck in the snow here can be very dangerous.


而滑雪橇和在沙丘上冲浪则提供了数小时的家庭乐趣, 还有很多其他的事情要做, 包括这些 沙丘杀手最爱的前五名. 它们包括骑着你的全地形车或沙丘车穿越11,000英亩的沙子, 徒步穿越沙丘,看野猪的獠牙, 一座400英尺高的古火山遗迹. 还可以去卢赛特山看野马. 藏在山间的泉水, these wild horses here have plenty to eat and drink in this stark and stunning landscape. 沙漠麋鹿也生活在这个地区, and what makes them so unique is you can only see them in Wyoming’s Red Desert.


Getting to Killpecker Sand Dunes from 岩石弹簧 is about a 32-mile drive, 带你进入怀俄明一个广阔的开放空间的中心. 虽然听起来路程相对较短,但这是一次冒险之旅. You’ll need a four-wheel drive vehicle or a vehicle with high clearance to navigate the dirt roads on the way. 请记住,手机信号有限或根本不存在, 让这个地区感觉更加遥远.

+, 没有服务, 所以要打包水, sunscreen and extra snacks and be sure to fill your gas tank before leaving 岩石弹簧. 也建议备胎. It’s always a good idea to tell someone where you’re headed and when you think you will be back. 最后, don’t drive on the dunes in your vehicle unless you want to get stuck—ATVs and motorbikes are far better suited for the sandy terrain.

从石泉,把你带走.S. 191号公路向北行驶约10英里. Take a right-hand turn at the sign that reads “petroglyphs, Sand Dunes, Boar’s Tusk” onto CR 4-18. 沿着这条路开大约20英里. 然后左转到cr4 -17. 从岩石的角度, 从80号州际公路出来,往东走, 开车经过吉姆布里杰发电厂和煤矿. 继续向西行驶,道路分岔到自然畜栏. Turn north over the ridge to the wildlife-viewing area and the Killpecker Dune Field.


有一个 指定的营地 被称为 杀手沙丘开放游乐区露营地. 它是ADA无障碍的,有一个拱形厕所和火环. 没有水, 所以如果你打算搭帐篷的话, 你需要带几壶水——足够做饭用的, 也可以洗你的锅, 锅, 餐具, 盘子和手. No glass bottles are allowed, so pack beverages that come in aluminum cans instead. 在Killpecker沙丘之外,有一个 露营地数目 在该地区.

For those who’d rather sleep in a comfortable bed with the modern comforts of a hotel, 岩石泉和绿河是许多 全国连锁酒店.